Coffee and Rose Water Scrub:Homemade mask plus exfoliation

I am not quite inclined towards home remedies.I guess most ofyou busy ladies believe that things that actually comes in cute tubes works the best.Even I thought home remedies are not easily available materials and may be consumes a lot of time.
I have sensitive skin when I was suffering pimple problem my exfoliating scrubs from different well known brands seemed to irritate my skin and the redness of the bumps increased.Some of my seniors and aunt's suggested me to skip scrubbing for a couple of months ,but it was necessary.The pimples that were healed left small pinkish marks behind ,from my previous experience I knew were going to  turn purplish with time.Scrubbing them twice a week helps to get rid of the dead skin layer above and promote new cell growth.My Dadi then suggested me a scrubbing method that worked for not only me but people with all skin types.
Things You need : 
Half a tea Spoon of Coffee (I used Nescafe)
Few Drops of Rose Water ( I used Dabur Gulabari)

Direction: Make a thick paste with half a tea spoon coffee and a few drops of rose water.Apply it on your face keep it as a mask for 10mins.You use clean hands or a clean flat brush to apply It.
Rinse it of with luke warm water or cold water after ten mins and rub it in circular manner you can feels that it is exfoliating your skin. After washing it Off people wid dry skin should moisturise your skin with some oil based moisturiser while oily skined to pimple prone skin should go for oil based moisturizer.



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