Sandalwood paste Face Pack Alone can be a perfect substitute of Salon Clean Ups

Hi  Pretty Ladies! 
I know it is not possible to rush to the salon to get an expensive beauty treatment everyday.
It is not just huge expense but adverse effect are also reported quit  a lot of times.Sometimes girls with normal stressed skin rush to the salons and end up with break outs that finally makes the situation  worse.
So what  is  the way  out?

Sandal Wood

Sandal Wood Paste is somthing you people can  use daily for multiple purpose.
<> Sandalwood acts as a wonderful cleansing agent and removes all the dirt from the skin pores thereby preventing acne.
<>It helps clear blemishes easily from the skin. Apply sandalwood pack daily either in the morning or before going to sleep and notice the difference.
<> Applying sandalwood powder mixed with coconut oil gives a softening effect on your skin.
<> Applying paste of sandalwood powder also helps make complexion clearer.
<>-When mixed with egg yolk or honey, sandalwood powder paste wards off wrinkles and saggy skin.

Mixing with Coconut oil ,egg yolk or honey  is not what we can  do  daily but  sandal wood  paste can  be  applied every day.Using Sandalwood  is an  intergral  part of  Hindu  rituals.The Sandalwood  paste is prepared by grinding wood by hand upon granite slabs shaped for the purpose. With the slow addition of water, a thick paste results.

I would  rather suggest  to  use  Rose water  instead of  plain  water so  that  the benifit  is  achieved.
My Experience with the Paste:

I am  basically a judgemental as well as  lazy person.If  i buy  some sandal wood powder  i  would obviously  question  it's genuiness and hygene  .But making the paste for myself on  daily basis  is not a lazy bee's cup  of coffee ;) So  my mom  does that for  me.(read :i am  a mumma's girl)

Mom  uses Dabur Gulabari  while grinding the Sandalwood.

After using  it  for  a  couple of  days  my blemishes  are lightening  up  and skin  feels soft and clean.
If you are looking for  instant effect then  home remedies are not for you ,but i can  ensure that paying a little bit of Patience can  actually give you  better  skin.



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