10 Ways to Take Care of your sking This Winter

Hello Dolls..!
Winter is finally spreading love.Badminton racquets are finally out of the cupboard. Picnic and outing plans are what seems to fill ur planner. But what about skin ??

1.Cleansing –tonning:
Cleansing tonning is necessary, nomatter how lazy you feel you need to use a cleanser that suits your skin .Tonning is also necessary. While choosing cleaser do not stick to something that makes your skin over dry or slippery . The cleaser  should do what it is suppose to do.

If you have oily skin that does not mean you don’t need moisturizer.After using a cleanser you need to moisturize your skin. All you need to do is choose your moisturizer according to your skin type.If you have oily skin stick to water based moisturizers.

3.Pre-bath massage:
A pre-bath massage is very much necessary if you have normal skin virgin olive oil or almond oil can be pretty usefull. If your skin  is oily stick to light weight body oil. Massage is necessary be it 15 mins or 45 mins.

4.Post Bath Moisturisation and moisturize more when necessary:

For post bath moisturisation give your hands and feet some attention.Give them shea butter enriched cream massage and if any other type suits your skin use that. Keep your nails well maintained ,specially keep nail free from dirt. Keep your feet well exfoliated and moisturize them well. Our feet needs more attention during winter. Give attention to your elbow and knee.

Rely on your sunscreen .Winter’s dry weather and sun tends to damage skin more.Kindly try putting on your sunscreen  atleast 30mins before you step out.

Wash your socks, stockins and gloves  to avoid infections.

7.Water :
Drink a lot of water during winter.The more your keep yourself hydrated from inside the more glow you get from outside.

8.Ban Super hot bath :
Bathing in super hot water can strip off natural moisture from skin.Choosing luke warm water instead can be considered wise decision.

9.Keep Your Hair Dandruff free:

Keeping hair free from dandruff is pretty much necessary. Greasy scalp and dandruff affects skin too much.

10. Diet:
Keep you diet green rich and eat alot of seasonal fruits to keep your skin naturally glowing

So lovelies ! enjoy winter, have fun .Keep in touch 



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