Meet Nihara From Lifestyle Glossary and the owner of "THE GLOSSARY STORE"

“The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt 

the impossible -- and achieve it, generation after generation.”- Pearl S.Buck

Hello Dolls,
Meet Nihara Hareesh from Lifestyle Glossary .Nihara’s blog and her popularity as a fashion and life style blogger inspires youth a lot. Nihara owns her own  store “THE GLOSSARY STORE” .She says ” I have also started my own store with this blog "THE GLOSSARY STORE" so that you can get the best of the current trend.”

Nihara’s uniqueness is mostly her style and fabulous content.Her fabulous choice and fashion sense can inspire the youth to experiment the current trend she writes about.Nihara's youtube videos are fabulous.Nihara is a journalist ,who spends a good amount of time travelling between India and Dubai.In a candid conversation Dollup and Take Care Nihara shares a few fact about Lifestyle Glosaary’s Journey.
1.What made you decide to start blogging?

I started blogging because I love writing and I loved the whole idea of putting myself out there and being heard.

2.So what's your typical day doing the blog?

My typical day is surrounded with my laptop and I phone - the two essentials I need for blogging . I can't imagine a day without these

3.What takes up most of your space?

Beauty and Lifestyle takes most of the space in blogging . I just started being more active on fashion.

4.Who would you say is your number one fashion inspiration?

I am always inspired by the way Rihanna carries herself. Her style and fashion is always spot on ! 

5.Favourite Fashion Magazine?

I love the vogue magazine . It's always my dream to get featured in it someday ! 

6.Tell us how the idea of The Glossary Store came?

I am currently thinking of adding more items to my label . I always wanted to have my own brand name . Lifestyle glossary has become an important part of my life . So I decided to start my own label called The Glossary Store

7.Who takes majority of your photos ?

 My brother- SAMMAN DIWAKAR . He is 15 but extremely talented for his age. In his absence I take the product photos . 

8.Nihara’s Dream Man’s Fashion Sense should be like?

Whatever he is comfortable with . But I love when men wear blazers - a complete suit and tie attire like the GQ magazine cover 

9.Any comment about Dollup And Take Care?

 I love how accessible Doll up and Take Care is . Been following it since months now . Love the content .

10. Any Piece of Advice for new fashion and lifestyle bloggers?

Don't ever take NO for an answer. Don't ever be in doubt about yourself even for a second ! You are unique! Embrace your individuality and work hard . Stay beautiful !!



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