Beat Monday-Blues With Seduction Las Vegas Blue Hue Nail Paint

The best thing about vibrant colors is  that they  never disappoints.My mood booster to beat the Monday blues  is a blue itself.Today I am going to tell you all about a  beautiful nail paint from  a brand called Seduction Las Vegas .I hope my  previous  reviews are enogh  to let you people know  that I am a little inclined towards this brand .You can read about the other shades of Seduction Las Vegas nail polishes i  review here .So after the shade Queen of spade which is very much a dupe of MAC snazzy hound,i am here with a review of a beautiful blue nail paint.

Let me tell you about the shade now, this is  a beautiful blue with shimmers.This blue is somewhere between cobalt and navy.When photographed in flash like it looks a little topaz inclined.
The shade name is BLUE HUE ‘89’ .

Price : Rs.198/-

Brush Quality is impressive ,it neither streaks nor given uneven finish.

My Experiece with the nail paint:

My Experience with the nail paint is great, I needed 2 coats of the colour.I applied this on bare nails coz I skip base coat while judging quality of new brands.This time as I am acquainted with the brand I decided to skip the base coat because I am not trusting  the brand completely and pretty much such  that it will not harm my nail.

Looks pretty much like gel finish .Quality is good.I must say it lasts really long as you can seen how it looks even on 6th day.

 Honestly ,I don’t have to do chores like dish washing and all but some regular cleaning of clothes exist in my schedule.I am kind amature painter so can can imagine what kind of harsh chemicals my nails go through.


Free from Many harsh chemicals like acetone and DBP
Staying power is awesome
Huge No of shades available to watch that you should visit their website


Honestly, could not find any.



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