Sandal Wood & Turmeric Premium Bath Bar with Pure essential oils : Review

Monsoon comes with a sort of confusion ,if not for everybody but I kind of get confused whether I am supposed to use soap or bodywash ? Well I love body wash and shower gels while hand made soaps are my weakness too. I am a kind of girl that loves to spend a lot of time in shower . Well, that the reason I don’t mind waking up early ,no compromise with my shower lover . But soaps with harmful chemicals might ruin my skin thus I trust hand made soaps
After using  AloeveraGel  from Lass Natural  my tust seems to have become pretty strong for the brand . So today I am going to tell you all about my experience with their
 Sandal Wood & Turmeric Premium Bath Bar with Pure essential oils .

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This Bar Comes with no fuss tight transparent plastic packing with their label .Back side of the label contains all necessary details .

Contains essential oils that includes Coconut –Caster –Alomont-Olive-Rose hip oil, with natural goodness of Rose water ,Aloevara ,Sandlewood-oil ,Turmeric oil , Sandal Wood Powder .
Shelf Life:
2 yrs
Price :
Rs.85/- Though the website mentions 75 /-
My Experience With the Soap :

This soap is exclusively for goodness that helps you to achieve glowing skin . It fights bacteria and skin problems . The thing I have noticed with many soaps they either make my skin over dry or their creamy thing makes me sweat a lot . This soap does not lather much ,but I must say it provides decent lather . I am in love with it’s cleaning property . It cleanses my skin without making it too creamy or too dry . I love the clean feel it gives. I was not realy expecting too much like heavenly smell from this soap because it is supposed to have skin curing properties . It surprised me with awesome fragrance too.
The best part is unlike other Premium range of hand made bathing bar it comes in budget too. I think Rs 85 /- for a soap like this is awesome .

Great Cleansing property .
It contains turmeric but unlike raw turmeric it does not make your skin feel irritated to sun expore.
Nice Smell .
Melts much less compared to other hand made soaps .
Very very useful and informative packaging .
Shelf life is decent .
Pocket friendly .

Cons :

Available only online. 



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