Hiphop Skin Care Strawberry Face Scrub : Review

Hello friends ,now that diwali is over we’ll cannot deny that we’re sad  because celebration mode is no longe prevailing .Needless to say that diwali smoke, Durga Puja Makeup and many more things have given us some break outs, dull skin and what not .Yes !!!! morning  pandal hoppings have given us serious taning . But not to worry now that festive season is over I have got my hands on Hiphop Skin Care Strawberry Scrub .

Packaging: It comes in a tube with screw cap opener . Lovely and simple packaging .

Rs .98/- for 120ml

Texture and Color:

Texture is nearly thick and creamy.It has soft and small beads that works good to serve the purpose of scrubbing .The color is beige and beads are pinkinsh red in color.


My Experience :

I have super sensitiveskin and break outs are common ,even some mild scrubs barely shows me positive result .This Strawberry scrub from Hiphop skin care did suit my skin . It worked good to remove dead cells  from skin.
It removed the tan
that the festive season’s pandal hopping and hangouts blessed me with . The best part the anti oxidant property of strawberry gave my skin a healthy glow . I am not a regular parlour person ,thus my cleanse ,scrub , face pack  and moisturizing routine of home facial does include this scrub .
 I usually run for a moisturizer once I rinse off scrub .For this one I did the same . But one day I did not apply skin cream. Not really intentionally but I went down stairs to receive a courier ,followed by the arrival of guests ,Thus moisturizer was skipped , unbelievable neither my skin screamed for instant moisturization nor felt dry .
I love the strawberry smell, actually most strawberry including products including some bath and beauty products tend to give a synthetic strawberry scent .This product is completely different it smells of fresh strawberry .I am buying another tube once  this one’s over .

Pros :
Fabulous smells.
Barelt disturbes sensitive skin.
Creamy textured scrub ,but still it will not give us break out .


Availability is an issue.



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