Tridhara Utsav 2017

Sometimes you just don’t have  to wait for weekends  to have fun . Fun is’nt really about movie in some multiplex or some mall food court or casual hangout . I consider all of you my friends , may be we never exchanged “hi !”..but yes, somehow we’ve developed a kind of connection with each other isn’t it??

This time my hometown visit was a little less exciting than usual , rather was clinging on to uncertainity . I did not expect the  public holiday  to be fun . But yes it wasn’t  bad . What happened in the evening was a actually a little more interesting than  what I ecpected . I planned to visit Tridhara Utsav 2017. It started on 21st of January and 26th was  the last day . Tridhara Utsav is organised by Tridhara  Sammilani near Deshapriya Park ear Monohar Pukur Road .This is a fun fair  that keeps bengalee tradition and culture alive .

Other than Cultural event and Performance , There was  Bird Show ,flower show and stalls of different boutiques .We, the inhabitants  of this are pretty much acquainted with Boutique culture. But  I found something more  interesting here . Pot painters from east-medinipur were present here with incredidible collection of hand painted artistry . Hand painted artistry included paintings , hand designed nd painted  ladies kurti, Chunar ( orna) , blouse piece ,t-shirt . Pot painting is an important aspect of bengals art . Even today some artist perform ballad where  they sing ballad and show such pot-paintings that were related to the lyrics .

There were nearly 5 stalls that sold pot-painting and artistry all of them came from east-medinipur . All of them are equally incredible ,but one of them was extrordinarily talented . Jaya Chitrakor , hailing from east-medinipur  was  selling some beautiful piece of art which we usually get to see in glorified art fair and posh boutiques . Jaya’s work included painted umbrellas too .

When we asked about price,we were shocked .The beautiful paintings , hand fan and every thing else came at dirt cheap price . My mom loved  this Hand-fan  and this is the first item we bought.Needless  to say we ended up buying many more interesting pieces . One thing that shocked me more was that people were rushing to boutique outlets much more that the pot-painter’s corners . 

Honestly, if boutiques with some big names sold the same item , these people are the ones who would have bought them in price much higher than what the original artists were quoting.

This was not all there were specially crafted beautiful furnitures too.Then we arrived at stalls that sold interesting hand crafted fashion Jewellery . Statement Jewellery ,Junks , and authentic ethnic match everything was there .I must say Jhumka lovers would have found paradise in the collection out there .

If a foodie is hanging out then before she gives an event 5 star good food is simply something you cannot ignore . We immedietely made up our mind  to have some food once we noticed  Bhojo Hari Manna’s Stall ..Other than that “ The Wall”, “ Dominos” and more such food stall were there . Then came the main attraction of  the event , Pithe-puli and other bengalee sweets .
“Pithey –Pulis “ are baked, steamed and gravy steamed dumplings that comes with sweet fillings .Pithey Pulis were made by women and were very very tasty . We tasted different variants of pitheys .
This event is indeed a very very nice initiative  keep bengal’s culture and tradition alive .



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