Weaving Together Cultural Richness and Social Equity : What Young India Says

Ancient Indians were the masters of life having great knowledge about everything from adhyatma (spirituality) to the aesthetics. It is not unknown that the world looked at India for its finest quality textiles and spices, and that India was invaded for the same for several hundred years. The handloom sector is one of the largest unorganized economic activities after agriculture and constitutes an integral part of the rural and semi-rural livelihood. Handloom weaving constitutes one of the richest and most vibrant aspects of the Indian cultural heritage. There is an unimaginable amount of hard work and intricate detailing that goes behind producing one of the richest and the most sustainable forms of fashion in the world.
I  guess all of you have already read My Ootd Post for #National HandloomDay
To mark the Swadeshi Movement which began on August 7, 1905 and with the objective to generate awareness about the importance of handloom industry and its contribution to the socioeconomic development, the government on July 29, 2015 declared this day as ‘National Handloom Day’.
Indian based handloom and fabric industry but have managed to provide a life of respect and sustainability for the people who pursue it as their passion or as their support system. The sector has several advantages. Being less capital intensive, it has minimal use of power. It is eco-friendly and there is flexibility of small production. It is open to innovations and adaptable to market requirements.
Let us See what Creative minds of Young India Is Saying about Handloom Industry :

Fashion Designer Manjeri Sadhashivan from Cognac by Manjeri. says:

"The love and effort with which a handloom fabric is made from the hand twisting of the yarn to the dyeing and countless hours of handweaving tells the story of a practise that goes back eons. Handloom fabric is perfect in its imperfections and therefore no two are truly ever alike."

 Style Blogger Surabhi Virnave of Stylingfiesta says :

"Amidst all the western outfits available today which are sleek and stylish, there is also a niche market for homegrown handloom and fabric clothing. These fabrics not only bring in a difference in the socio economic growth by creating jobs and but what is important is that the hard work put in for the intricate designing is well appreciated. I personally know a lot of women craving for styling themselves with homegrown fabric which not only makes them look elegant and chic, but also are very comfortable to carry on for long hours.." 

 Fashion Blogger Anupama Ganguly ,owner of  Blogeshwari

 India feels elevated celebrating the second edition of the National Handloom Day, the day that was established to commemorate the hard work of the finest craftsmen of the country. Fashion changes from time to time, but homegrown handloom is eternal. The beauty of these ethnic apparels speaks profusely of the intricately designed patterns smeared in vibrant colors. The effort and the detail of the craftsmen is not only appreciated within the bounds of our country but is also worn as a fashion statement worldwide. Only a rich fabric produced with unimaginable effort and craftsmanship is worthy of giving a woman an ethereal beauty and we truly appreciate it.


Style blogger Sowmya Mishra of The fashionpixie says 

It is clearly​ a fact that homegrown handloom fabric is one of the most versatile and authentic fabric that our country possess. Handloom fabric is not only comfortable to our skin but also is environment friendly, which is highly important to be taken into consideration. Let's encourage and spread awareness of this exemplary fabric with pride. 

Let me tell you one thing ,Men , even if they are not interested in Handloom Saree or Fabric 
can provide you amazing facts about handloom industry and it's growth ..I think this is impressive 
Life Style Blogger  Wrik Sen from sensbucket says 

In terms of handloom, what is not being common enough for the public, and still remains cornered in the world of fashion and apparel, is India's North-East. As you will find in one of the recent articles on my blog, I have written about the history of fabrication, and it's deep link to social life in the region, but basically underlining, what rich cultural heritage there is, in terms of fabrication. Anything to do with silk, in India, will have a connection to the North-Eastern part of the nation, because the variety of silk is actually a lot.    
Having said this, since cultural life is more dominant in the North-East region, and weaving and handloom fabrication is a part of the local culture for most parts, some of the most vibrant designs and colors, and varied weaving techniques can be witnessed on North-East Indian creations. One such prime example is Arunachal Pradesh, where their native dresses always have a story to tell.



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