The Problem is they get much more than they deserve


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Equality of rights e.t.c are yielding good on professional grounds sometimes on ground we literally try to extract our much deserved respect from. But once emotions get involved we women turn out to be the person who will stand against equality. Let's talk about love life and affairs. When you face heart break women jump to the conclusion of I don't deserve love. 

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Anyway we're not discussing about women here. The women's day week's gone the feminist men who rechristens themselves as feminist every March are now no longer holding the mood to continue. You women are officially "maal"zoned once more. Yes , you read it right. 
Let's talk about men for a change. When are busy eating chocolates to beat depression men think making a gym build body will attract women. Fine, let's accept it. Can you justify why you are maal zoned. They comoditize their body so that we find them attractive, therefore what else do you expect from men other than getting attracted to you appearance? There is a difference, you are maal zoned he literally wastes time, energy and enthusiasm so that you find it easier to maal zone him! Who wins anyway? 
Well, let's not talk about it...😀

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I think whoever invented the deo advertisement concept was also walking on the lane of comoditizing themselves. Anyway, we are finally concentrating on the topic.

May be you are wrong

You have been ill-treated by all the girls in your life in several ways and you still think you are the victim. You still nurture a stupid thought that even if they get a man better than you they can't keep. Because you are the one blessed with the capability to gauge their ability. Slow Claps ..👏

You are the Flag bearer of Insecurity

You are with someone and that person certainly has got some admirers. Common, you have admirers too and that satisfy your male ego. If you lady has got some why are they suddenly the reason of your Insecurity. Putting a tab on the female is the most evident sign of you questioning your manhood.

You can't be wrong and reimbursement time is time for playing the victim

You are paranoid on her. You are judgemental for no reason ,you feel the need to make her feel less and that has be the out of she doing something wrong. She is paranoid because it is her fault to point out your limitations, she picked up a fight because she should have made peace with stuff she is not okay with. She is suffering inside and hides , wow she is mentally cheating on you. She discusses her stress with a female friend , that friend is a bitch. She opens up to a male bestie , wooooh  they must have continued the discussion while continuing with intercourse. Wow...
I don't quite understand why men can't use this lubricating creativity where needed.
Is it that difficult to admit? You both are humans you both can be wrong at respective place admitting and correction each other can help. Is admitting depriving you from getting an errection?

Dear Ladies,

Trust me , there is no exception. They suddenly become extra godly creatures when they become father. That too when the offspring bears their blood. Aah yes, they can be more supportive when u adopt but only when you couldn't bear because his sperms were not strong enough to sustain. 
These tards once becomes father of a dughter suddenly thinks the boys are all bad. They ain't his princess' match. These tards need to understand the mother of your princess was a princess to some proud king and you made her feel like a shit. Either the king got shattered having seen this happen or the princess kept faking happiness to her father. You are responsible for that king living in fools paradise. It's time to welcome karma. 



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